11. Architecture, Product, and Fashion Visualization | 建筑、产品和时尚可视化

11.1 Architectural Visualization | 建筑可视化

11.1.1 Design Elements | 设计元素

11.1.2 Architectural Styles | 建筑风格

11.1.3 Rendering Styles | 渲染风格

11.1.4 Environmental Context | 环境背景

11.1.5 Lighting and Atmosphere | 光照与氛围

11.2 Product Visualization | 产品可视化

11.2.1 Materials and Textures | 材料与质地

11.2.2 Lighting Techniques | 照明技巧

11.2.3 Composition and Framing | 构图与取景

11.2.4 Special Effects and Details | 特效与细节

11.2.5 Product Context and Environment | 产品环境与背景

11.3 Fashion Visualization | 时尚可视化

11.3.1 Clothing and Textiles | 服装与纺织品

11.3.2 Accessories and Details | 配饰与细节

11.3.3 Lighting and Mood | 灯光与情绪

11.3.4 Fashion Context and Environment | 时尚背景与环境

11.3.5 Rendering Styles for Fashion | 时尚渲染风格

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